Juni 29, 2010

Coki Sitohang Tahu II

Melanjutkan cerita "Coki Sitohang Tahu" yang pernah saya ceritakan dulu, saya ingin melanjutkan saja karena waktu itu, foto orang yang dimaksud belum saya masukkan, disini saya coba menambahkan picture dari Coki Sitohang Tahu ini.

Mungkin sebagian orang akan bilang bahwa tidak ada kemiripan dalam foto ini, tetapi bila melihat langsung orangnya mungkin akan sependapat dengan saya bahwa orang ini mirip dengan pria yang menikah tanggal 18 Juni 2010 lalu dengan Melissa Aryani.
Coki Sitohang TahuPria ini terlihat lebih kurus dibandingkan dengan Coki Sitohang yang asli. Pernah suatu ketika menurut pengakuan pria ini, bahwa dia pernah bertemu dengan Coki Sitohang pada sebuat acara di taman "Tegal Lega" Bandung dan bersalam langsung dengan Coki Sitohang, dan Coki Sitohang menyarankan pria ini untuk mengikuti program acaraa yang mengangkat topic mirip-miripan artis "The Promotor", entah ini karena melihat kemiripan antara Pria ini dengan dirinya.

Bagaimana menurut anda, mirip kah..?

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8 comments : on " Coki Sitohang Tahu II "

jersey salon mengatakan...

Throckmorton recommend this man to join the program which raised funds similar topic resemblance artist " The Purchaser ", whether it was because he saw similarities between this guy by himself.This is been the criteria for the main people at heads for the concerns.

yohan mengatakan...

haha, nice info :)

WoW Accounts mengatakan...

some people would say that there are no similarities in this picture, but if you see a straight person would probably agree with me that this man was similar to the man who got married so this could be the story for the peoples.

Amws mengatakan...

To WoW Accounts, What do you mean..?

engagement rings mengatakan...

He want to continue just because of the time, people referred to the photo as they have not entered, here He is trying to add a picture of Coki Sitohang know this.Possibly some people would say that there are no similarities in this picture, but if they see a straight person would probably agree with me that this man was similar to the man who got married.

Amws mengatakan...

People in this photo are two different people

seo services mengatakan...

Teh guy looks even thinner than the original Sitohang Throckmorton. According to the confession of this man, that he had met with Throckmorton sebuat Sitohang on events in the park Bandung and greet with Sitohang Throckmorton and Throckmorton Sitohang recommend this man to join the program which raised acaraa similar topic resemblance artist.The Purchaser whether it was because he saw similarities between this guy by himself.

Juicy Couture mengatakan...

yup,some people would say that there are no similarities in this picture, but if you see a straight person would probably agree with me that this man was similar to the man who got married so this could be the story for the peoples.

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